Performance - No hard feelings towards him, but his win was undeserved. Performance wise, Soufyan sucked. There was no improvement at all, even when the judges seemed to force that. In every shot his expressions looked uncomfortable in various ways: he looked constipated, crazy or like he was going to burst into tears. He also didn't know how to use his body. On the runway he always looked crooked and not confident at all. The dancing during photoshoots and runways was just cringy. I feel like he had no idea what modeling is about.
Personality -
His personality is the main reason why he won. Nothing wrong with this dude: he was adorable, goofy and likable. Though I feel like the way they edited him like he was superior above the rest of the cast was insanely forced and annoying to watch. 
Post-show -
after HNTM he has booked a few small local jobs. I heard he got a role in a film, which is where I think he should continue his carreer to become more succesful.
Looks -
he is a handsome young man, but there's honestly nothing modelesque about it. His look is too predestrian and I would have placed any other model of this cast above him look wise.

13. Rosalinde (Benelux cycle 1)

12. Akke Marije (cycle 9)

11. Nicky (cycle 7)

10. Montell (cycle 10)

9. Loiza (cycle 8)

8. Nikki (cycle 6)

7. Marcus (cycle 12)

6. Ananda (cycle 4)

5. Melissa (Benelux cycle 2)

1. Tamara (cycle 5)

Performance - Tamara has the strongest performance out of all winners. Her runway walk is one of the strongest, powerful and most confident I've ever seen plus she aced all the shoots with a 5 in a row FCO excluding her win (and a total of 7 FCO's). Even with a lot of competition in her cast, she was the obvious best and I feel like she would have been that girl in any other season.
Personality -
Tamara was insanely driven to become a topmodel. It was her dream, her passion, her blood. She was born to model. She came over as cocky and bitchy, but it never bothered me because I believe her ego and confidence helped her booking jobs. It's quite cool that in a reality tv show a girl was that amazing that her being disliked so much by the public wasn't even taken in consideration anymore.
Post-show -
Definitely the most succesful model post-show. It's a bit unfortunate her succes didn't last for that long, but she was in lots of leading magazines, walked a season full of high quality runway shows and booked blue chip campaigns which is very rare.
Looks -
Look wise she is also by far my favorite out of all the winners. Her blue eyes are killer, her bonestructure is unique and her eyebrows are to die for. I love her androgynous, hot and editorial look but she rocks that glamourous Brooke Shields vibe as well. 

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