Episode 4 | Personalities in B/W

Gepubliceerd op 26 december 2018 om 17:21

This shoot is one of the best this season. The aim was to all pose in the same clothes so that they had to bring their personality into the shots. I like the idea and simple B/W shots with good quality are always good. The props of some of the models are also cool and. The models performed great as well. Love it!

1. Bonita - She finally delivered. Love how androgynous and unique she looks here. She is giving face and I love her ears. Her strong face with her soft expression/body language is a great balance. Based on this I think she has the most potential out of the whole cast. Amazing!

2. Sanne - Incredible shot. Her face is looking fantastic here and I love that she is giving something more cool and androgynous instead of that girly look she always delivered so far. Her body language is perfect as well. Very cool!

3. Ritse - In this shot he seems to be very aware of his body and how to use it. Face is looking stunning as well. Love the softness in his eyes. For once he is closing his mouth. I like how he's improving every single week.

4. Latanya - Body looks strong and face is looking gorgeous. It's a powerful shot but the only thing she is missing here is some more expression. Face is looking like a model but a little dead as well.

5. Daila - I still don't see much improvement because she looks lifeless in the face again, but I do like the shot. Her body language is great, I like the book on her head and it's nice to see her face in a different way (with her hair pulled back). 

6. Chelsey (eliminated) - Face is looking gorgeous and I like what she's doing with the apple, but overall it's nothing impressive and quite boring. She has a lot of potential and definitely should have stayed over Milan/Jamie/Daila, but she needed more time to develop since her performance wasn't that strong. Her walk was also the worst, so I get why they eliminated her.

7. Montell - Just okay. His interesting face doesn't really save him here like it did before. His jawline looks great but his expression is so bored and lazy. The body language could have been some more confident.

8. Milan - This is just super bland. Nothing more and nothing less than a mediocre shot. Just an average dude sitting there. I think he could look a lot more handsome than he looks here. His expression isn't very strong either.

9. Jamie - His face doesn't look very good here. It seems that he did everything he could but something makes him look very draggish here again. I like his body position but those high heels make this picture look so cheap.

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