Episode 3 | Red carpet

Gepubliceerd op 9 januari 2019 om 12:54

Just like last season, we got a cheesy Colgate shoot. The photography is tacky again but I do think the concept is a lot more believable for Colgate ads. The results are pretty disappointing though.

1. Sterre - I don't think she has that typical Colgate look but she definitely has that rich supermodel vibe about her and gorgeous teeth so it works. Her smile is definitely the most believable. Also her body looks confident.

2. Jackie - Face is stunning and she has a gorgeous smile, but she could have worked it better. Also her body is a bit stiff here which is a shame.

3. Amy - I don't think this is the most believable Colgate shot since she looks like she's 12 years old, but something about this picture catches me more than the others. All the other girls look really basic in this shoot but at her I see something special in her face that I dig. Her smile looks believable as well and her body language is fantastic!

4. Loiza - I'm not really feeling her face in this one, shame because she has a fantastic smile. At least it doesn't look fake and her body makes it glamorous. 

5. Demi (elimination) - Her smile looks fake and she is looking very uncomfortable. I don't dislike this picture that much because 1) I like the movement in her dress and 2) her face looks at least modelesque. As a whole it's not that bad. Based on her potential alone she shouldn't have been eliminated. She was one of the only girls with some actual potential. Her pictures haven't been that bad as well. Robbed!

6. Celine - At least she looks glamorous and her body looks fine. Nice smile but she looks matured and she isn't smizing which is why it looks a bit cheesy.

7. Laurie - This is just not working at all because it's super bland and doesn't excite me at all.. She looks more like a presentor instead of a model. At least her smile looks real.

8. Lisa - This is really weak. Body is good but her smile looks fake and cheesy. She also look way older than she actually is in this shot, which is not a good look.

9. Rachel - I love her look but this is an awful picture. Her smile in this shot is cringe-worthy, it's so fake and uncomfortable. 

10. Yara Fay - There is just no modeling in this shot. Her body looks amateurish, smile looks uncomfortable and I don't have the feeling I'm looking at someone who is competing a modeling competition. At this point, she should have been eliminated.

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