Episode 1 | Compcards

Gepubliceerd op 12 december 2018 om 12:38

The first shoot was the shoot where they went from 16 to 12 models: the compcard shoot. I liked them. I like how simple it is and that everybody is radiating. I think the quality could have been refined a little more and the results could definitely been stronger but overall it's a nice and simple shoot with some cool results.

1. Sanne de Kramer - I love this shot. Her brown skin colour with her light blue eyes make her stand out a lot and add something interesting to this picture. I also love her lips and her eyebrows. She radiates confidence here and I love what she's doing with her hand/arm. For a short girl she is looking pretty tall here.

2. Sanne Jansen - She is a little bland but at the same time interesting enough to keep looking at. I love those green eyes, full lips and something about her bonestructure is quite unique. I really like what she's doing with her hands. Great shot.

3. Montell - I think you have to love or hate him and I am totally in love with his look. Insanely strong face and I love how everything is too much but still falls together perfectly. It's a very current look. I like his sad expression here and even though I preferred seeing his whole face, the hand makes it mysterious.

4. Senna -  I think he could have worked the angle a lot better since he's able to look mindblowing but it's still a cool shot. I love the ghostly/spooky vibe about this picture and his gap make that vibe even stronger.

5. Bonita - It's a bit "deer in the headlight" but it is stunning anyway. I love the combination of her light red hair, beautiful blue intense eyes and pale skin. She has some androgynous quality about her look I love. She does need some coaching though.

6. Latanya - I like the shot. Just like lots of models in this cast, she may not be the typically pretty girl but she does have a look that works for fashion and is very current. I love how regal she looks here but I think she is able to give something even more intriguing.

7. Ritse - He has an amazing look which shows in the photo, but what kind of ruins it is the mouth. It is placed a little weird and looks tensed. Just like Bonita, he definitely needs some more coaching and experience.

8. Fabiola (eliminated - semifinalist) - She looks like a barbie doll to me, so I don't think she stands much chance between the more interesting models, but I do like the shot. I love the soft expression, and seeing her bonestructure here makes me think she could have been something with a different make-over. I would have kept her over Daila since Daila was bland as well and trashy Fabiola would have been an interesting project to get transformed into a more chique and modelesque girl, like June from C7, but I'm also not sad about her leaving first.

9. Chelsey - I love her look. Really strong bonestructure and just like Sanne I love the light eyes with the brown skin. I kind of like the shot as a whole but I don't think she fully uses her potential in this shot. You can barely see how stunning her bonstructure is and I don't like the mouth. Wish the expression was stronger too.

10. Jamie - He really worked his angle. His greens eyes are popping and I think his bonestructure is looking great. I just don't like the tension around the nose/mouth area and the expression in the eyes should have been more convincing.

11. Lohrenz (eliminated - semifinalist) - I like how Tarzan he looks, but I don't he has the model looks. There are some strong qualities about his face but they don't fall together perfectly on the picture. I like the expression but there's something haggard looking about it. I think his looks is more interesting than Quincy so I would have given him another chance but even then I don't care that much about his elimination.

12. Milan - I don't like the frown but for the rest it's a nice shot, but more for a boyband posted or something. His face is definitely handsome but there's nothing outstanding or reminiscent about this picture. He could do well in commercial modeling though.

13. Quincy - His face is definitely handsome but there is just nothing modelesque about this. It looks like a casting picture for some acting stuff. He needs to bring something more interesting to the table. Based on this I think I would have eliminated him instead of Lohrenz.

14. Daila - Even if she's one of the weaker girls of the cast, I do like her. She is stunning in motion and I love the colour of her eyes. Maybe with some coaching she could be better? This picture just doesn't work at all, something about her face looks out of place and a little wonky here.

15. Veranique (eliminated - semifinalist) - Who? This girl is so forgettable. I like that there's something angelic about this shot but just like Daila it looks a little wonky. She is the most basic girl out this season so definitely a justified first elimination.

16. Chris (eliminated - semifinalist) - This shot is the worst and he is a bad model so it's the best choice for a first out. He has a hot muscled body but his face is average and doesn't look modelesque.

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