Episode 3+4 | promoshoot

Gepubliceerd op 1 november 2019 om 19:49

In episode 3 group 1 got to do the promoshoot. In episode 4 group 2 got to do the same one. I like how this shoot is so colourful and in trend. The photography is good and the way everybody has a different type of picture makes it a playful and fun shoot. One of the best promoshoots HNTM did, although it doesn't beat season 9's.

1. Nick - The best shot for me. He looks way different than his previous shoots, it looks more grown up. The vibe is dreamy, relaxed but still in control. Face is looking stunning, so I hope he can deliver more gorgeous shots like this.

2. Silke - Body language is amazing. She looks like a this topmodel superstar. Very confident and hot. The face is gorgeous as well, but she needs a bit more development in that cause it could have been stronger.

3. Bibi - She killed it as well. The hair looks great in this shoot and the body language fits the rest. I could see this as some campaign tbh. I really like the angle of her face, but just like Silke I hope she can play a bit more with her expressions or else it could become boring quite fast.

4. Anouk - This shot is super underrated. Her mad expression looks so edgy and I love how she looks like an angry doll. Everything works and I have nothing bad to say about it. Shouldn't have been in the bottom 2.

5. Sinio - Pre show I was expecting him to be really one not, but I like how his shots are turning out to be versatile. I like how he is giving a half profile shot. His jawline and his eyes look amazing. I do agree with the judges that his hands look a little big, but for me it doesn't distract me. It seems kind of natural so it's cool.

6. Benjamin - The blonde hair works on him, it gives him more of a superstar vibe. It's a really good shot. If only he would smize those gorgeous blue eyes a bit more it would have been perfect. Now it's a bit of a deer in the headlight.

7. Jay - It's not my absolute favorite, but I get why the judges loved it. It's cool how rough looking he is here and the confused model expression works. Lips and bonestructure are looking great too.

8. Sam - Love his face here, he looks like a skull. I think he just needs a bit of Nick. He should be more relaxed cause you can see he is not fully comfortabel here. The hand is a bit weird as well. 

9. Tenisha - Decent shot. It's not super striking, but she looks comfortabel and confident. I think the face could have been photographed from a better angle, but the nonchalant vibe is good about this. 

10. Marcus - Definitely looking like a fashion dude. The face looks okay, but it's a bit dead looking and not that interesting. Also his big shoe is a bit disturbing (more than Sinio's hand, so I don't get why he got that comment while they didn't say anything about Marcus' shoe).

11. Marnix - He is doing the best he can. It's not a bad picture at all, I just don't see him as a model. From one way this shot totally works as he is doing a very cool pose and giving some intensity in the eyes. From the other side I think it looks very amateurish and ModelMayhem. He was the perfect choice for the elimination in house 1.

12. Samuel - It's not a bad shot, but there's also no wow-factor about it. I like the softness in the eyes and he is looking handsome as usual but overall it looks a bit too childish. He should add some more power and strength into his shots.

13. Jawahir - She is looking confident, but I feel like the make-up and lightning doesn't work on her at all. Her expression is also a little too cocky and makes her look matured. Not her best shot. 

14. Maha - The same as Samuel. It's not a bad shot but the energy is just too low in this. I don't see much of her personality and there's an emptiness in her eyes. Very flat picture.

15. Lenny - I'm not feeling this shot, something about the angle is not right for her. Her eyes look good but her mouth looks a little awkward. Also the legs should have been placed more elegant.  

16. Joella (eliminated) - By far the worst. I just don't see anything modelesque or interesting about it. The angle is bad for her, she looks matured and it looks like they photoshopped her left arm away. Definitely the right choice for elimination in house 2.

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