Episode 5 | gamestate (group 1)

Gepubliceerd op 2 november 2019 om 14:35

The 2 houses got to do 2 apart shoots per house. 1 Solo shoot by one of the judges and 1 duo(/trio) editorial. The solo shoot at house 1 was a shoot in an arcade by Nigel Barker where they had to portray Japanese anime characters. The concept was brilliant. I was a bit worried about Nigel photographing but it turned out to be not that bad at all. Of course the shoot had potential to be better as the results and photography are a little underwhelming, but it's still a very decent shoot. HNTM stepped their shit up after last season!

1. Marcus - He doesn't look like an anime character, but it's the best photo for me. I like how fluent everything looks. Body language has some elegance and really fits with the sultry expression and slightly lifted head. I also like the RTL Boulevard logo around his eye. 

2. Jawahir - Expected more of her shot, but it's still nice. Lover the colours, her face looks stunning and the way the legs are placed are great. She is like the doll in the crane machine. Just wish she did something different with her arms because now it adds something amateurish.

3. Tenisha - I think the face could have been stronger because her mouth looks a bit tensed, but the overall image is great. The way she is standing is very confident and powerful. Also love the idea of the tickets, it definitely adds something extra.

4. Samuel - His face doesn't look modelesque here. It's not bad but more like a very average schoolboy you'd see everyday. I do think he did the best on portraying Japanese anime. His bodylanguage is amazing. He looks like a flying superhero cartoon. Overall picture and energy is really cool.

5. Anouk (eliminated) - It's alright, but I'm not loving it. Her face looks beautiful, but the energy is too low. Also her bent legs look a little weird. Overall it's lacking some power. Based on portfolio she wasn't the worst and I'm loving her face, but I'm not that sad to see her leaving. She was still one of the weakest, the competition in this cast is just too big for her. Besides that I don't think she had much more to offer than we have seen from her since she is a little one note.

6. Bibi - Beautiful face is beautiful, but I think she needs to give more than just that innocent expression she is always doing. This time it doesn't work with the hair, make-up, styling and setting since this shoot is more about giving more power. Body language is not bad, but it's a boring shot.

7. Benjamin - What I like about this is that it really looks like a cartoon because of the guns and the movement in it. What I don't like is everything else though. His face is amateur and stupid looking. Body language is full of energy and I like that he is kicking, but everything looks out of place.

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