Episode 8 | Toko (group 2)

Gepubliceerd op 3 november 2019 om 13:20

The results are okay, but the styling (which is actually kinda nice) doesn't fit the setting at all and makes it all look tacky. The photography is cheap looking with really bad lightning (Kim Feenstra is such a queen, but girl but that photography... ). For me it's the weakest shoot so far, but the results are not that bad.

1. Maha - Her smile seems genuine, the movement in the body is great and she is selling the clothes for the first time. She really needs to get a full time contract for a toothpaste brand because that smile is gold.

2. Lenny - Her face looks great from afar but when you zoom in her mouth looks tensed. As a whole it's still a nice picture though. I really like how she is posing like a tiny fairy. It adds something different to the picture, which I like.

3. Nick - The jacket mixed with the training pants and the background makes it look tacky as hell. It's not a horrible shot though. Body language is good and facial expression looks a bit cramped but still okay.

4. Silke - Her body language is fantastic. It's something different but she still looks elegant and in control. I don't really love the face though. It looks bloated and a bit stiff. Reminds me too much of Celine from season 8. 

5. Jay - It's not the best he has looked, something about his face and pose looks cramped. His lips and bonestructure are looking nice though. I don't get why you would choose a casanova outfit like that for a cheap supermarkt setting.

6. Sam - This shot is horrible, definitely in the top 10 worst shots of the season. His smile looks horrible, the lightning is cheap, the outfit doesn't match the rest and the body position is uncomfortable. Because they did a double elimination in house 1 they had a non elimination in house 2. I don't feel like it was a fair move from the show. In my eyes Tenisha has been doing better than Sam and even Samuel had a way better picture than this. Sam should have been eliminated imo.

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