Episode 12 | Caves in Georgia

Gepubliceerd op 17 januari 2020 om 14:32

This is definitely the worst shoot of this season. It beats the second worst shoot (toko one) which was also done by Kim Feenstra. I love Kim Feenstra as model and person, but her photography is bad. This time it is definitely not because of the models underperforming, but really because of the photography. Everything looks so greasy and cheap. Shame because it could have been a cool concept.

1. Jay - Definitely the best of this week. Even with this jank shoot, he still manages to deliver a fantastic shot. His face looks gorgeous and there is something melancholic about it. I love the emotion in it, without being over the top. The cliche hand pose actually works in this shot.

2. Lenny - She looks like an authentic and free spirit. Body language is kinda sexy, and the face looks beautiful too, but I think it worked out better if she closed her mouth. It's a little distractive.

3. Marcus - Something is really haggard looking, but I still like his face in this shot. When I zoom into it I'm intrigued by the shape of his eyes, his lips and bonestructure. The pose is kinda cheesy/cliche though, but I feel like it's a more interesting shot than the other 3.

4. Silke - I don't know why, but I just don't like this shot and it's not just because of Silke. The face looks gorgeous because SHE is gorgeous, but everything comes together as extremely tacky looking. Her face isn't photographed in a proper way, the sunset and lightning brings the cheapness to a next level and the way you can see her bra and her wet nipples makes it overall just a bad shot. The cliche pose also isn't helping.

5. Benjamin - This shot is such a non factor, and that is exactly the thing with Benjamin. He is just sitting there with absolutely no energy or expression in the eyes, looking like a predestrian boy. The bits of improvement he gave last week is back to zero again so he should have left.

6. Bibi (eliminated) - The worst shot of the week for me. The eyebrows, hair and make-up look harsh on her, but also she isn't making the best out if it. She looks cramped in the face and her position is awkward. Bibi has been struggling for several weeks now so I get her elimination. Despite some stunning shots she delivered because of having an amazing face and despite Benjamin getting saved every week for no reason, it is her time to go.

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