Episode 1 | Ready for take-off?

Gepubliceerd op 18 november 2018 om 22:47

The very first shoot of this season was right after the firls met eachother divided into 3 groups (the 3 colours of the Dutch flag). The purpose was to be the most outstanding of your group. I kinda dig it. The photography looks professional and they showed the girls’ early potential of the very first moment without any polishing. It was shot in a Hangar because right after this they were heading to London.

Group red: Tirza - Jildis - Riquelle - Michelle - Mandy

Group white: Tamara - Nancy - Jellena - Claudia - Sonja

Group blue: Roxanne - Gesanne - Leontine - Mieke - Elise

If I should look who did the best as a group, I’d say group red. They really are working together and looking quite fierce. Group white did the best individually, but is not really working together as a group. Group 3 is just the worst overall, quite a weak shot. 

1. Tamara – damn this girl is looking hot. She really jumps out as the girl with the most potential and my eyes go straight to her when I look at this shot. Her high fashion potential is revealed from this very first shoot and I love her arrogant ~standing with my background singers~ attitude she has here.

2. Riquelle – the best in group red for sure. Facially, she could have been some stronger but she really looks like the model in this shot. Legs for days, gorgeous face and love her attitude here.

3. Nancy – I love how ghostly she looks here. Face looks gorgeous and I love that very little pout. Her looking at Queen Tamara is a little off, but it works as well with the haunting vibe.

4. Tirza – hot body and love how cute she looks here. Most of the time girl has a harsh expression on her face but here she looks really soft and pretty.

5. Jellena – my eyes don't go immeadiately to her, but damn, that face. She really looks like a supermodel here, even though she is not doing much. If her pose was a bit more convincing she might have been a little higher.

6. Mieke – by far the best of group blue. I like how she takes her space and that she is at least doing something between the others who look quite bored. Not the best she could tho. Her right leg looks a little unstable, and however her face looks strong, her eyebrow is kind of bothering.

7. Claudia – she looks really strong here and seems to be battling with Tamara who can be the HBIC. I like how powerful she looks here, but her face doesn‘t really work as good as the others. Her beauty doesn't catch that well in photo's I feel.

8. Elise – This girl is such a beauty! I love the way she is looking over her shoulder and the position of her upper body, but unfortunately that's all. Also her legs looks weird. As if she is wearing high heals for the first time. Overall she did okay, but when you give that shot a close look it's not all that.

9. Sonja – stunning eyes on this picture, however I don't think she looks like a model, she is looking like one in this picture. If she gave a little more 'oomph' in this picture I would have ranked her higher. Also the position of her right arm is kinda weird.

10. Jildis – the fact I don’t really like the picture is because she’s looking quite old. The body position is okay, and at least she is trying, but it’s not working. She looks more like an average student than somebody who is modeling.

11. Roxanne – I love her face, but she is giving nothing. She looks like plain girl who is going on a school trip

12. Michelle – Michelle is one of my faves this season, but this picture is doing nothing for her. Her face looks ratty and the position of her feet look weird. She is overshined by the others in this photo.

13. Gesanne – just like Michelle, her face looks ratty here. Face looks really weird but at least her body position is alright.

14. Mandy – however all the other girls in this photo work together fiercely, she is not really helping with it. She looks insecure and the way her legs look are clumsy. Not a good shot of Mandy.

15. Leontine – however I do think Leontine has a pretty face and has some potential, she is looking really bad here. Her expression looks really weird and it looks like she’s drowning.


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