Episode 3 | Gums and yellow teeth

Gepubliceerd op 19 november 2018 om 21:07

I always hate it when HNTM does a shoot for a toothpaste campaign. They are always so cheesy, and HNTM 5 is no exception. Gotta admit this is the best toothpaste one they did. It's a simple concept which is more realistic than posing with paparazzi or firefighters. Still not good, but there were a lot more shoots of good quality this season so I didn't mind these that much.


1. Riquelle - this is the only one I would use for a campaign. It could be a covergirl ad. It's maybe a bit cheesy as well but at least she radiates happiness. 

2. Tamara - not a bad shot, but this smile is more one for a pageant contest than one for a toothpaste campaign. She looks gorgeous like always though.

3. Elise - she won the campaign with this photo, and I'm not gonna lie, her smile looks forced as hell. But as a whole, it doesn't look that bad for a Oral B campaign. This photo fits in that campaign picture more than most of the others, even if their smile is more 'genuine'.

4. Nancy - okay photo. It's not a picture I'd use for a Oral B ad, because this picture gives me more country girl vibes, but at least it's somehow believable. It looks like she's really laughing.

5. Jellena (eliminated) - I really disagree with this elimination. She wasn't my top 5, but she definitely deserved to stay some longer. She has been doing quite well so far, has a gorgeous face and at least delivered a believable smile this week. Jildis or Claudia who are always at the bottom should have been eliminated.

6. Tirza - her eyes look very strange in this photo. However it's not the worst of the shoot, it's also not a believable smile. I think if she lifted her head up a bit more it would have been better.

7. Mieke - this picture is kind of forgettable. She fulfilled the brief, but it's nothing outstanding or great. Just okay.

8. Mandy - cute smile, but she looks a little old. Shame because I think she could have done better for a colgate shoot. Also, was it that hard to photoshop her yellow teeth for a toothpaste ad?

9. Roxanne - this is not really her kind of shoot. Her smile looks so forced and fake. She is missing the smize. I like how grown up she looks here though.

10. Claudia - I really don't get it. Claudia looks stunning and young in motion but is looking so old in pictures. This week no exception. At least there's a twinkle in her eyes and it's more believable than the other 2.

11. Jildis - Lol.. This is really one of the worst shots of this whole season. Her eyes looks crazy, her smile looks so fake and as a whole it's just a cringy shot.

12. Michelle - while Jildis' shot is one of the worst of the season, Michelle's is probably the absolute worst. Poor girl, it's not even that it's fake, but she just doesn't have a photogenic smile and the angle is doing no justice for her..

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