Episode 2 | Cuties in B/W

Gepubliceerd op 11 december 2018 om 18:27

This shoot was another good one. The photography is fantastic, the setting is gorgeous, good lightning,\ and the male models are amazing. Very simple concept and maybe not super impressive results but good shoot. I wish it was more fashion instead of smiley since most of them have cute but not really strong shots.

1. Lyanne - She did amazing. I wish all the shots were more like hers. Her face looks intense and strong. Even if it's covered a bit by the male model she is totally stealing the picture and dominating him. Very nice.

2. Colette - However I said I'm not a fan of the smiley thinks, it totally works here. She looks vibrant, the placement of her arms look natural and her smile is gorgeous. She radiates love.

3. Anne-Wytske - Something about this is unnatural but I like how she adds a fashion vibe to this photo with her body and how she's towering over the boy. It makes the photo very interesting to look at. Face is looking modelesque but expression could have been stronger. 

4. Arantxa - She is looking way more interesting with straightened hair and bleached eyebrows. Love her soft expression and face her. She could have made more connection with the boy and do more instead of leaning on the boy, but she is looking gorgeous anyway.

5. Lena - Maybe not the most modelesque photo but at least they are looking in love and it's believable. Her smile looks genuine, she works the background and she is having a good connection with the male model. Cute.

6. Emma - The photographer let her down in this shoot a bit. The dog on the foreground and the faded spots are distracting. I wish this photo was taken a little closer. Profile is maybe not Emma's very best angle, but at least this picture looks very genuine and intimate.

7. - Denise - It's a cute shot, but not very convincing. Face looks gorgeous and the little smile is nice but she could have given some more expression in the face and energy in the body because the male model is being totally intimate while she is just standing there.

8. Akke Marije - I like the hair in her hand and her face is looking very beautiful but there's just a lack of energy. She doesn't look in happily love or intimate like the other girls. Also holding your boyfriend like the way she does with her hand is kind of awkward.

8. Cherie (quitted) - She looks a little stumpy and short but the body language is good. The smile is believable but it's maybe a bit too much for this shoot. I wouldn't mind if she stayed an episode longer, but at the same time she was still one of the fillers and didn't have a strong performance at all so I was okay with her quitting.

9. Sarah - Cute smile and she is connecting with the male model but the general feeling is very average. There's just nothing special or interesting about her in this picture, just an average schoolgirl with her boyfriend. Her legs look weird, too.

10. Noor - Same as Sarah. It's a cute photo but I don't feel I'm looking at somebody who's modeling. I think her smile is photographed from an awkward angle.

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